Tag Archive | FridayReads

Read It Yourself

Hello, readers! In addition to today being FridayReads, it’s also the 30th anniversary of Reading Rainbow! Yes, you really are that old. In addition to some serious nostalgia, Reading Rainbow’s anniversary is a great time to reflect on literacy, lifelong readership, and passing a love of books and knowledge onto the next generation (who will one day be in charge, so, even if you don’t have kids, education and literacy should matter to you). Read More…

Golden Grams

Hayhay, mín frændur! In honor of The Da Vinci Code turning 10 this year, I thought I’d do something fun today and give you guys a puzzle. I took the liberty of making some anagrams of famous authors, historical figures, and fictional characters. Bonus points to whoever can solve all thirteen of them. Also, it’s FridayReads! What are you reading this weekend? Read More…

Stocking Stuffers

He’s making a list. Checking it twice. Ah, if only I were as efficient an editor/proof-reader as Kris Kringle. I’ve edited my novel at least a dozen times. ::lesigh::

Anyway, it’s Friday and that means it’s time for FridayReads. I thought since the holiday season is drawing to a close I might mix it up a bit. Did you get any books for Christmas, Chanukah, Yule, Festivus, etc? Tell me what you got! And/or, as always, tell me what you’re reading (novel, biography, play, comic book, takeout menu, I don’t judge).

Bards Behind Bars

Hey, folks! I hope you’ve been enjoying Banned Books Week! There are read-outs in bookstores across America, the Virtual Read-Out is going strong, and about half the blogs I follow have dedicated some post to the matter. Once again, it’s also Friday and that means it’s FridayReads, where people share what they’re reading every Friday to promote literacy.

I’ve been reading The Harp of the Grey Rose. It’s Charles de Lint’s first book and it shows, but, despite his green pen and the 80s influence, already this man has promise. It seems Charles de Lint has divined everything I love and each page is an attempt to seduce me. Read More…

Thank Freja It’s Friday

Hello, readers! My apologies for not having more reviews up yet. I just started a new job and training has been kind of crazy. From now on I’ll be posting reviews on Fridays, as a nod to FridayReads. For those who don’t know, FridayReads is an organization that encourages literacy by having people share what they’re reading via social media sites every Friday.

I’ll be posting reviews either every week or every other week, depending on how busy I am. This Friday I’ll be reviewing the much-maligned Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian and the week after I’ll review Lois Lowry’s modern classic, The Giver. I hope you’ll come back to check it out. Happy reading and waes hael!